Few things set the mood in a room like light. And along with paint, lighting is one of the easiest and most budget-friendly ways to create style and ambiance in a space. Perk up your apartment and your mood with a few of these fun and easy apartment lighting ideas.
Lift the mood with ceiling fixtures
Is your apartment living room lit by a single fixture in the center of the ceiling? Is it an uninspiring globe with a few lightbulbs in it? Add some drama to your living space with a unique ceiling fixture or even a whimsical chandelier. If you’re a DIYer, you can likely install it yourself. If not, any handyman (or woman!) can do it for you. And most home improvement stores have an array of fixtures to choose from, whether your style is contemporary or traditional.*
Set your style with lamps and shades
A single ceiling fixture in a living room or bedroom isn’t going to provide enough light, either for reading or creating an ambient atmosphere for entertaining or relaxing. If you don’t have table lamps, pick up a couple at a home improvement store or used furniture shop. Give them a touch of your personal style by purchasing coordinating lampshades, perhaps in accent colors that mirror the artwork on your walls or the throw pillows on your bed.
Light up your task spaces
Ever tried to chop vegetables or decorate a cake in a kitchen with a single overhead light source? It’s frustrating, to say the least. If your apartment kitchen doesn’t already have task lighting over countertops, install some. Under-cabinet lighting is critical for prepping and cooking food. You can purchase a DIY kit to install under-cabinet lighting yourself, too. No need to hire an electrician for this one!
Don’t skip the sconces
Short on space for tables where you can place lamps? Never fear. Wall sconces are a great way to add lighting in tight apartment spaces where you can’t put a table or a lamp like alongside a bed in a small bedroom or next to a chair where you like to read in your living room.
With our simple apartment lighting ideas and tips, you can add warmth and drama even in small spaces, while also establishing more functional work areas.
*Please check your lease agreement on rules about lighting installation.