Playa Vista is one of Los Angeles’ hottest neighborhoods for area singles. Here are nine reasons why.
Playa Vista is one of Los Angeles’ hottest neighborhoods for area singles. Here are nine reasons why.
Studying data from the U.S. Department of Education as well as test scores, college data and ratings collected from Niche users, according to Niche, the best school district in Orange County is the Irvine Unified School District.
In 2002 the Westside of L.A. began a metamorphosis – the building of a planned community with residential, commercial, entertainment and retail stores named Playa Vista.
While Irvine Valley College does not offer dorms or on-campus housing, Irvine Company Apartments offer a wide variety of off-campus apartments near IVC.
If you’re wondering where to live while you attend Santiago Canyon College, we’ve got a variety of off-campus housing options.
Irvine is home to thousands of furry friends. With all the parks, trails and open spaces, Irvine is a city that is more than hospitable to dogs!
There are a number of reasons why Orange County is one of the most sought-after county’s to live. It has the hustle and bustle of a big city, while also boasting stunning beaches and majestic open spaces. If you’re thinking of making a move to the OC, here are some of the county’s best neighborhoods.
We’re sharing 10 easy apartment D.I.Y. projects to help you create a home that not only hides common rental unit eye-sores, but also matches your personality.
There are a number of reasons why Orange County is one of the most desirable places to live in America. It has all the excitement, diversity and cultural amenities of a big city while boasting some of America’s most beautiful beaches and open spaces.
Welcome to Woodbridge… where the sound of kids riding their bikes until dusk evokes a cheerful sense of community. Connected by streets where mature trees line the road’s edge, the homes and recreational spaces of Woodbridge in Irvine are thoughtfully planned with residents in mind.