Cats make wonderful apartment pets because more often than not, they’re clean, quiet, and very independent.
In fact, most cats have a pretty relaxed nature and enjoy a laid-back routine that includes eating, sleeping, and frequent self-cleanings. However, unlike dogs, cats will use the bathroom inside rather than outside – via the eyesore of the cat litter box. And if you live in a smaller apartment, litter boxes can be a less appealing part of your home. Moreover, if you’re not cleaning it out daily, you can begin experiencing odor issues, especially if you live in a smaller apartment.
The “look” of a litter box can also be unenticing, especially when guests come to visit. And, if your cat is an avid scratcher, you might be familiar with litter flinging behavior that causes litter to literally wind up… everywhere.
Solving the Kitty Litter Dilemma
There are actually a lot of newer products on the market that solve this very problem. However, be aware that anything that requires “built-in” solutions may not be allowed per your lease. So if you’re renting your apartment be sure that whatever option you choose doesn’t require any modifications to the overall structure of your home.
Hidden Litter Box Products Available Online
There are all sorts of kitty litter furniture ideas that hide the mess and odor of your cat’s litter box. Ranging in price from $48 to upwards of over $300, there are so many styles, colors, and sizes to choose from that will fit your personal style—from rustic to mid-century modern to contemporary—and everything in between. You can even purchase a potted plant litter box.
Image Courtesy Good Pet Stuff
Creative Litter Box Enclosures
DIY Cabinet Litter Box
However, if you’re feeling creative, there are many DIY solutions that can turn your existing furniture into an indoor cat outhouse.
Danae at The Homebody House hid her cat’s litter box by cutting a hole in the side of a cabinet and adding a kitty door to it. The cat door is easily accessible but completely inconspicuous – and since the cabinet closes – it also keeps odors and mess at bay so you’re not stepping on stray bits of litter scattered around the little box.
Image Courtesy Danae at The Homebody House
Drape Curtains Around an End Table
Find an old end table (either using one you already own or getting a used one from an online marketplace). Make sure you find an end table that can fit over the top of your existing litter box. The more space you have, the better. Jennifer from Dimples and Tangles transformed her accent table into a kitty litter hideaway using spray paint and some striped fabric. Find out how she adhered the fabric to the table by visiting her tutorial here.
A Cat Litter Basket
Hannah from All The Little Details converted a large wicker basket into a little box haven for her cat. She liked the wicker chest idea because the enclosure feels airy and light, and the top door makes cleaning easy. Check out her blog post to see how she created the built-in cat door!
Cats tend to have their own personalities, so if you build or buy a new kitty litter space, they may be wary or apprehensive to use it at first. Don’t panic! Make sure you offer them positive reinforcement (think: treats!) and don’t force them in before they are ready – this can cause them to fear the new litter box. Cats are naturally curious and will figure it out in their own time. Happy cat littering!