Moving into a new apartment is exciting, but it also requires effort and organization. Whether you’re beginning your first apartment living experience or moving to a new apartment community, planning ahead can make the process much easier. To help you prepare, here is a checklist of some of the most important steps to take when moving into your new home.
☑️ Set Up Utilities
Review your lease and move-in packet to confirm what utilities fall under your responsibility (electricity, gas, water), then contact local service providers to set up accounts. Most providers offer auto-pay options that can be helpful to avoid late or missed payments.
☑️ Activate Internet & TV Providers
Do some research regarding internet and cable options in your new area and decide what plan works best for your needs. This can be done before your move-in date to minimize time without internet access. Many people like to have a service provider visit to install internet right away, so try to schedule this appointment as soon as you have access to your new home.
☑️ Change Your Address
Don’t forget to update your new address with your bank, your employer, medical providers, mail subscriptions and anywhere else it is on file. Visit the USPS website to complete a change of address form. It can also be helpful to set up mail forwarding from your old address to your new apartment for a month or two. Don’t forget about your driver’s license! Visit the website for your local DMV to find out what steps are required to update your address.
☑️ Get Renters Insurance
Many renters enjoy the peace of mind that comes with renters insurance. Before making the purchase, it’s a good idea to check with your landlord about specific requirements. In general, renters insurance may cover the cost of your belongings in the event of a fire, theft or vandalism. Depending on the policy, it may also cover liability, legal costs, and medical expenses should you or a guest get injured in your apartment.
☑️ Organize, Furnish & Decorate Your Space
Take inventory of what furniture and kitchen tools you already have and what you still need for your new home. You don’t need to purchase everything right away, but make sure you have essential items to live comfortably while you get settled. As you get used to your new space, consider what type of furniture and decor will create the most pleasing environment for you, and check out websites and magazines for inspiration. Don’t forget to have certain important household items on hand, like a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, spare light bulbs and cleaning supplies.
☑️ Research Your New Neighborhood
Here’s where the fun begins! If you’re moving to a new neighborhood, you’ll enjoy exploring local restaurants, coffee shops and parks. But in addition to scoping out the best brunch spots, you’ll also want to research nearby grocery stores, pharmacies and other service providers that you may need. Online review sites can be helpful, or ask your neighbors for recommendations.
Enjoy your new apartment home! Don’t forget to download our apartment move-in checklist to help plan for your big day.