So you’re moving from a house to an apartment… maybe it’s because the nest is empty, it’s a smarter move financially, or it’s just personal preference. No matter what the circumstances, moving from a house to an apartment can be overwhelming. Here are our tips on moving from a house to an apartment.
Start The Process As Soon As Possible
We realize sometimes life doesn’t allow for things to be perfectly planned or done with ample time to spare. However, if you do happen to have the time, use it wisely! Get the process going as soon as possible. These things ALWAYS take more time than you expect.
Take Inventory Of The Things You Need And The Things You Don’t
Obviously, even if you’re moving from a smaller house to an apartment, not everything is coming with you. Start by taking inventory of the things that are DEFINITELY coming with you and the ones that are not.
Figure Out What To Do With Items NOT Coming With You
Garage sale? Rummage sale? Craigslist? Donating to Goodwill? Giving away to friends and family? Self-storage? Trashing it all? Have a plan for the things not coming with you after taking inventory. We’re guessing you’ll still have a pretty big pile of things you’re unsure of keeping or letting go. You’ll need to decide what to do so…
Learn To Let Go
Naturally, there will be a big pile of things you’ll be on the fence about. There will be things you’ll want to hang onto… probably more than you expect or are willing to admit. At some point, you’ll have to let go of some things. Moving to a new place can be a clean slate. You don’t want to begin by cluttering up your new living space with unessential items. TIP: If you still need help, bring in a neutral third party to help you purge and stave off the urge to hoard.
Ensure Everything Coming With You Will Fit
Measure all the furniture you plan on taking with you as well as the new space in your apartment. This seems obvious but it’s a rookie mistake that happens frequently. For example, maybe your old master bedroom fit every piece in it neatly but your new apartment bedroom doesn’t have room for both nightstands or the media chest.
Executing The Move Itself
Decide how you are moving; on your own with a U-Haul or are you using a moving company? Be sure to shop around if you’re going with a moving company. Different companies have varying criteria on how they charge for their services. Some offer flat rates, some charge by the distance or hour. We’ve even seen moving companies add in extra charges if they will be moving you to the second or third story of a building. Do your homework and compare prices!
Take Full Advantage Of Apartment Life Perks
To maximize your new living situation, take advantage of any and all unique amenities your new apartment complex may offer. Nowadays, many communities offer pools, fitness centers, BBQ grills, clubhouses, and more! And you can use them all without having to maintain them yourself. That’s a huge win.
Keep An Open Mind And Embrace It!
This is a fresh start, so keep an open mind! The fact of the matter is, no situation is 100% ideal. Having a house means more space but it also means more responsibility, time, and money devoted to maintaining it and so on. An apartment might be smaller but all of a sudden you’ll have far less responsibility and more time and money. There are pros and cons of each situation, just remember to try and make the most out of the pros and not dwell on the cons as much as possible.
Did we leave out any useful tips you’d like to see? If you happen to be contemplating a move from a house to an apartment yourself, feel free to browse through our California apartments search tool. Browse apartments by location, number of bedrooms, amenities, and more!