Affordable Housing Programs

Affordable rental housing programs are available at select Irvine Company Apartment Communities in San Diego, Orange County and Northern California. Eligibility for these programs is contingent on each of the applicable program requirements, including income level and size of household. Applicants will be required to submit residence, proof of income, and financial histories and other required documentation.


The Project-Based Section 8 program offers rental housing options at specific locations. The interest list is currently closed at participating communities.


Housing choice vouchers are administered locally by public housing agencies.


Maximum annual household income depends on the individual program requirements and household size.


Rent restricted, affordable programs available for qualifying households with income restrictions up to 50% area median.


Rent restricted, affordable programs available for qualifying households with income restrictions beginning at 60 - 80% area median.


Rent restricted, affordable programs available for qualifying households with income restrictions between 100% and 120% area median.


Communities with a phone number listed below may have immediate availability for Below Market Rent units for those who qualify. Call for more information.

Improve your credit score with Irvine Company

When you pay your rent on time, you should be getting the credit boost you deserve. Irvine Company recommends RentTrack* as the preferred provider to offer residents the opportunity to manage their credit score by reporting rent payments to all three credit bureaus. This optional subscription to RentTrack also gives residents access to credit scoring insights such as factors affecting a score. Discover how this service can help you today.

*Rent reporting is a service provided for your convenience. Irvine Management Company and its affiliates are not responsible or liable for the services provided by RentTrack. Neither RentTrack nor Irvine Company guarantee any improvement to your credit score; any positive impact to a credit score may be related to your payment of rents on time. Credit scores are based on multiple factors, on time rent payments is just one factor. The content on RentTrack’s website is owned by RentTrack and use of their service is governed by RentTrack’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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